Wednesday, February 20, 2019

And Yes, We’re On. No! Really!

 After a couple weeks delay based on insurance and hospital goof ups and, admittedly a weekend delay on my part as I did additional research, I am now scheduled for this Friday at the gluteal crack of dawn. MRI at 7:30 AM. Probably done by about nine or so. Then on to the planning session where I must have consumed I forget how many cc of water but it’s a lot. There we will take CT scans of my pelvis, we’ll do what’s called a mini urethrogram (Kind of sounds like one of the least loved Disney characters, doesn’t it?) to delineate the base of my bladder, the penile bulb and, obviously, the urethra in hopes of minimizing any damage to these organs. I’ll also get some sexy tattoos on my pelvis so that in addition to the gold inside my pelvis, Ill also have a visual on the outside to line things up with. Accuracy is important here. I’ve always wanted tattoos but never have gotten any so maybe I can get them to do like, I don’t know, little stars or something.  I have also can I go on by the theory that the more markers that everybody has to look at both inside me and outside me, the more likely they are not to miss like say, I don’t know, if somebody (me or the tech) sneezes or something.

I’m in a pretty good frame of mind about all this. Apprehensive? Yes. A bit anxious? Yes. Not crazy about anything being inserted in my urethra? No not really at all. Concerned about complications immediately following the five sessions as well as long term? Very much.

But I’ve done my research and I know that I need to do this to hopefully prevent far worse treatments and or surgeries down the road.

*Deep breath’s and big smile*


  1. I am so praying for you brother. Much love.♡

  2. When I did my 8 weeks of radiation the nurse did my scan gave me 3 dots & I told her I went 60 yrs without any tators & in 30 min she gave me 3
